quinta-feira, 31 de janeiro de 2013

- Support staff -

Personal'm trying to turn the moderator Dungeon Rampage all the help necessary wax!! So if you like the blog to share on social networks please!
And his critical comment, your thoughts about the game who knows one day I turn a moderator and help;)


Well I would like to give you some tips for you to use them in the hour of battle!

1 - In the stages you play against the soldiers, especially the 2nd map / world, you pay close attention to the vertical walls and corridors because they usually get cracked walls that you can get breaking chests, cash bars etc. ..

2 - If you are a Beseker (original character) and have a Ranger (archer green) in your living room, you stand in front of the Ranger as she shoots archery bow, because getting ahead? Because Beseker has much more life and protection!! SAME THING CAN BE MADE WITH THE GHOST AND THE SAMURAI MAGO.

3 - If you're playing with the Vampire Hunter (the Vampire Slayer, which costs 150,000 coins character in the game), is a very good technique you draw the attention of enemies runs to a dead end and along the way you plant (but for this is that you equipped them) fire or explosive mines that leave the enemies dizzy.

4 - If you're a Vampire Hunter and is escurralado by enimigos (not surrounded yourself to the floor) you loose your special (in which case the vampire is garlic bombs that leave the enemies dizzy) and boot more mines just as they are tntos but you can flee atacalos power with his arch-double.

5 - With the Samurai Ghost (character which costs 240,000 coins) you never loose the special if you're near enemy bombs like the phases of the Vampire Hunter, but why? Well the special Samurai Ghost is 3 ninjas shadow that will follow you and attack enimigos (limited time) but they do not have the ability to think like us, since they are controlled by a computer!!

6 - This tip is more refined stages of dinoussauros or Knights of * course * the floor where it will minotaurs provavelmte tera thorn or puddles of fire volva makes you lose life!! Each attack that minotaurs give you push far away which would be a danger if you were surrounded by espeinho or you can fire!!

Any questions add me on facebook
my name: Pedro Luiz, right now I'm no photo


Tips on Phases

Hello, today I will tell you some tips on steps to get gold, exp (esperiencia or level) and chests as on the previous page!!

     The best steps to get easy money: They are the first stages of the 2nd map / world who call themselves Prisoner's Keep, which make the Boss (the largest tower) you earn around 600 coins (coins). Already difficult phases are the 3rd map called Dark Barrows that stage Boss is against a vampire hunter!! In Boss earns you around 1000 will be 1200 coins!! It also contains the fourth phase of this map, but much harder to five stages!!
    The best steps to get easy EXP: The Boss phase of dinoussauros (Name: cretaceus park) that the Boss is against two wizards!! Another: Frostgaard the final Boss of the game is against a giant diamond!! And to earn 500 xp + + or in stages you will find only the 4th map / world!!
    Good for you to see where to find the chests just read the page below!! Recalling that the battle for tips on the following pages (everything below).

  Doubts just add me on facebook: Pedro Luiz no photo!!

Where and how to catch The Chests

1 - The wooden chest, when you enter the game for the first time will already be in a game room. After you finish do you won a wooden chest (which the key is worth 1000 coins)

2 - Well the blue chest (4000 coins to buy his key) you will probably find only near or after the 1st make ice!! If this only happens well after it's okay once in a while it does not appear chests!

3 - The yellow chest (key is 20,000 coins to open it) you only find ha in the 2nd map or globe, especially in the phases of soldiers!! Where you're more likely to find him on cracked walls that you can find breaking-ha in minimum cash bars!!

4 - The Legendary Chest (key costs 125,000 coins) you get to it, only the 4th map / game world! You're more likely to find him after the middle of the 4th map. I say this from experience Own!!

Last Update -> Power-Ups

Hello people! Today I will start my blog English. I'll explain about the new equipment (Power-Ups) that arose after the last update Dungeon Rampage. I will talk to each function. (I have tested to see if everyone can have one that I have not used yet).

1 - Party Up Defense: For 60 seconds you will be with defense!
2 - Attack Speed-Up Party: For 30 seconds you and your allies were left with an incredible attack speed!
3 - Attack Power-Up Party: For 30 seconds you and your allies have incredible damage to attack. (Increases the strength of the attack)
4 - Party Move Speed-Up: For 30 seconds you and your allies have a 50% chance of getting much faster!
5 - Attack Speed-Up: You will have a 100% chance for increased attack speed for 30 seconds. (Only for you).
6 - Attack Power-Up: 100% of your attacks become incredibly strong! (For 30 seconds, and only for you).
7 - Ye olde explosive: You use this item and a black bomb will explode in you taking damage from enemies.
8 - Mana Keg: By using it you will fill or nearly fill the mana of you and your allies.
9 - Health Keg: By using it you will fill or nearly fill the entire life of you and your allies.
10 - Mana Potion: Great mana potion that will fill almost all your mana.
11 - Health Potion: Great potion of life that will fill almost all his life.
12 - Buster Potion: Will leave your anger filled even though it has no "iota".
13 - Health Shot: will add just a bit of your life.
14 - Mana Shot: will add just a bit of your mana.
15 - Buster Shot: will add just a bit of your anger to give special.
16 - Star Mushroom: Will leave you alone for 30 seconds giant!
17 - Buster Keg: will leave you and your allies filled with anger!
I'll also talk more about the game tips on the following pages!!

Thanks for giving me attention, I hope I have the ajudado.Até more!